Group of Coe students standing in a field with arms raised

Other Providers' Programs

Off-Campus Study: Other Providers' Programs

Coe allows students to participate in many other providers’ off-campus study programs. These may be in countries not served by Coe exchanges, or they may have academic emphases of particular interest to a student. The application is due surprisingly early: by the end of fall term the year before you want to go.

ACM Programs

We especially encourage our students to consider Associated Colleges of the Midwest programs because they are designed with small, liberal arts college students in mind. The ACM academic programs are rigorous, other participants are from colleges like Coe and most have a faculty director who comes from a small liberal arts college. Students can choose from full-term or year-long study abroad options.

Visit with Director of Off-Campus Study John Chaimov, who will assist you in selecting an appropriate program.

I just returned from a 19-day journey around North India. One of the incredible parts of this program is that students make their own travel plans and travel without guides or teachers. It was just five friends and me in a part of the country that we had very little previous knowledge of. That alone made it an incredibly liberating experience, and perhaps the best trip of my life.
-- Katie Blanchard, India