Successful Alumni
Kalais Kuhlman graduated in 2013, majoring in biology and neuroscience. She came to Coe from Readlyn, Iowa, and moved to Iowa City following graduation. Kalais received her doctorate in physical therapy and rehabilitation science.from the University of Iowa, and practices in Polk City, Iowa.
"The sheer spectrum of opportunities available at Coe is mind boggling, but what struck me from the beginning was that they’re ALL available to EVERY student. I took advantage of as many as possible and now, having graduated, I can say honestly that it was these opportunities - the chance to take a broad spectrum of classes, study and travel abroad, compete as a DIII athlete, take part in internships and research projects - that set me apart. My Coe experience was never confined to a classroom; instead, the classroom became a springboard for opportunities that existed elsewhere. Coe College provided me with the building blocks to create a foundation I am confident will continue to serve me well."
Abby Mellnick graduated from Coe in 2017, she is currently a physical therapy student at Des Moines University.
Beth Heims graduated from Coe in 2017 and is currently studying for her M.S. in occupational therapy at Cleveland State University.
Alisa Denny graduated from Coe, then continued her studies at Andrews University in Michigan. She has a clinical doctorate in physical therapy in South Haven, Michigan.