Title IX
Coe College is committed to providing a learning environment that is free of all forms of sexual misconduct. Our Title IX Sexual Misconduct Policy contains Coe College’s policies and procedures for preventing, reporting and responding to sexual misconduct and other forms of interpersonal violence. This guide also contains information about resources and remedies for all students, staff, faculty and other members of the Coe College community who have experienced or been affected by prohibited conduct. Coe College does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its education programs or activities, including its admissions process and employment. Questions about the application of Title IX to Coe College may be referred to Coe College’s Title IX Coordinator:
Olivia Pendleton, Coe College Title IX Coordinator
Email: opendleton@coe.edu; titleix@coe.edu
Phone Number: 319.399.8843
Office Location: Student Life Office in Upper Gage
The Title IX Sexual Misconduct Policy is available to view here.
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex against any person in education programs and activities receiving federal funding. Title IX concerns sexual harassment and sexual assault in all forms, including rape, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking. It applies to all members of the Coe College community.
At Coe College, the Title IX Sexual Misconduct Policy is based on affirmative consent. Consent to engage in sexual activity must be given knowingly, voluntarily and affirmatively. Consent to engage in sexual activity must exist from the beginning to end of each instance of sexual activity, for each form of sexual contact and by each participant in a sexual encounter. Consent to one form of sexual activity does not constitute consent to engage in all forms of sexual activity. Consent must be demonstrated through mutually understandable words and/or clear, unambiguous actions that indicate a willingness to engage freely in sexual activity. A person who is incapacitated cannot give affirmative consent.
Consent is active, not passive. Consent cannot be inferred from silence, passivity, lack of resistance, nonverbal cues, or lack of an active response alone. A person who does not physically resist or verbally refuse sexual activity is not necessarily giving consent. Relying on non-verbal communication can lead to misunderstandings or potential policy violations.
Consent can be withdrawn by either party at any time. Withdrawal of consent can also be outwardly demonstrated by mutually understandable words and/or clear, unambiguous actions that indicate a desire to end sexual activity. Once withdrawal of consent has been expressed, sexual activity must cease.
Individuals with a previous or current intimate relationship do not automatically give initial or continued consent to sexual activity. Even in the context of a relationship, there must be mutually understandable communication that clearly and unambiguously indicates a willingness to engage in sexual activity.

Supporting a Friend
- Make sure they are safe
- Believe them and listen without judgement
- Suggest on- and off- campus resources
- Share reporting options
Reporting an incident of sexual misconduct
If any member of the Coe community believes that another member of the community has violated the sexual misconduct policy, they may file a report. Reports can be made online or in person to the Title IX Coordinator or their designees. The Title IX Coordinator and designees at Coe College include:
Olivia Pendleton
Coe College Title IX Coordinator
Office: Student Life Office in Upper Gage
opendleton@coe.edu; titleix@coe.edu
Carlos Velez
Director of Security Investigator
Upper Gage Hallway
Natalie Wilson
Assistant Director of Residence Life Investigator
Upper Gage Hallway
Michelle Miers
Associate Director of the TRIO - SSS Investigator
Learning Commons in Lower Level of Library
Patrick Lynch
Director of Residence Life Investigator
Student Life Office in Upper Gage
Elliott Rocha
Assistant Director of Residence Life Investigator
Upper Gage Hallway
Nicole Jaeger
Director of Human Resources Investigator
Lower Voorhees
Jason Chapman
Dean of Student Life & Co-Curricular Programs
Appellate Decisionmaker
Student Life Office in Upper Gage
Students, staff and faculty members can utilize this Sexual Misconduct Report Form to document their experience and share with the Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator. An anonymous report form is also accessible in the below section titled “Reporting confidentially.”
In addition to the Title IX Coordinator and their designees, please know that all employees, faculty and staff of the college, including Resident Assistants and College Adjustment Peers are non-confidential resources and therefore, are mandatory reporters. If a Coe College faculty or staff member is informed of an incident involving sexual misconduct, they are required to inform the Title IX Coordinator. Once the Title IX Coordinator is informed about an incident, the coordinator can provide appropriate outreach to the impacted individual.
Reporting confidentially
If a member of the Coe College community wants to report an incident of sexual misconduct, but would like to keep certain details of the incident confidential, they can utilize this Anonymous Sexual Misconduct Report Form. Coe College will not be able to follow-up and discuss options for resolution without the name of the reporter. Please know that the anonymous reporter can change their mind, at any time, and come forward with their identifying information and their report. Those anonymous reporters who later wish to provide their identifying information should contact the Title IX Coordinator.
In addition, Coe College wants anonymous reporters to receive support and know that the college cares for them. Please see the following list of confidential resources available both on- and off-campus. Students can access these confidential resources even if they choose not to report.
Confidential on-campus resources
Emily Barnard
Assistant Dean of Health and Wellness
Student Life Office in Upper Gage
Jayne Thompson College Chaplain Student Life Office in Upper Gage 319.399.8843 jthompson@coe.edu
Cathy Muller
Student Care Coordinator & Counselor
Student Life Office in Upper Gage
Kayla Waskow Athletics Arc 214D 319.399.8265 kwaskow@coe.edu
Confidential off-campus resources
- Riverview Center Sexual Assault Hotline, 888.557.0310 (free, advocates available 24/7)
- Amani Community Services, 319.232.5660
- Iowa Crime Victim Assistance Division, 800.373.5044
- Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault, 515.244.7424
- Iowa Sexual Abuse Hotline, 800.284.7821
- Mercy Medical Center Emergency Room, 319.398.6041
- Monsoon, 866.881.4641
- RAINN – Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network, 800.656.HOPE (4673)
- St. Luke's Hospital Emergency Room, 319.369.7105
- Waypoint Domestic Violence Program, 800.208.0388
Filing a formal complaint
Individuals who believe that sexual misconduct has occurred may file a “formal complaint” of sexual misconduct. A formal complaint is subject to the grievance procedure in the Title IX Sexual Misconduct Policy and must be investigated. Coe College students, faculty, staff, administrators and others may be subject to a formal complaint of sexual misconduct.
To file a formal complaint, a complainant must sign by hand, or by digital signature, a document that alleges sexual misconduct against a respondent and request that Coe College investigate the allegations of sexual misconduct. Title IX only permits individuals who are participating, or are attempting to participate, in an educational program or activity of Coe College, to file a formal complaint. This would include, but is not limited to, current students of Coe College, applicants for enrollment to Coe College, and other individuals who participate, or are attempting to participate in Coe’s educational programs or activities.
Coe College’s Formal Complaint form is available here. Individuals who wish to file a formal complaint can submit a completed formal complaint by email, by mail or in-person by submitting it to the Title IX Coordinator, who is available at:
Olivia Pendleton, Coe College Title IX Coordinator
Email: opendleton@coe.edu
Phone Number: 319.399.8843
Office Location: Student Life Office in Upper Gage
Supportive Measures
Interim or supportive measures are intended to restore or preserve a person’s equal access to Coe College’s education programs or activities. Any interim or supportive measure will be designed to protect the safety of all members of the Coe College community and to deter sexual misconduct. Interim or supportive measures are available to a complainant whether or not the complainant chooses to file a formal complaint. Interim or supportive measures may also be available to an individual who allegedly engaged in sexual misconduct, as well. Potential interim or supportive measures include, but are not limited to:
- Access to medical or counseling services on and off campus;
- Imposition of a college no contact order;
- Assistance in obtaining a civil protection order;
- Facilitating a meeting with law enforcement;
- Rescheduling of exams and assignments;
- Providing alternative course completion options;
- Changing class schedules or transferring sections, including dropping a course without penalty;
- Changing work or job assignments or schedules;
- Changing housing locations;
- Assistance in other relocation;
- Limiting an individual or organizations’ access to college facilities or participation in college activities;
- Voluntary leave of absence;
- Providing an escort to and from classes, work, home, or activities;
- Providing academic support services;
- Emergency removal from campus or program following individualized safety and risk analysis discussed below
Frequently Asked Questions
Does the report and determination from the hearing officer remain confidential?
The privacy of all parties to a report of sexual misconduct must be strictly observed, except insofar as it interferes with Coe College’s obligation to fully investigate and determine allegations of sexual misconduct. Where privacy it not strictly kept, it will still be tightly controlled on a need-to-know basis. Dissemination of information and/or written materials to persons not involved in the reporting procedure is not permitted. In all reports of sexual misconduct, the complainant and respondent will be informed of the outcome. In some instances, the administration may choose to make a brief announcement, e.g. security bulletin, of the nature of the violation and the action taken, using no names. Certain college administrators are informed on a confidential basis when appropriate (i.e., the President of the College, Dean of Students, Director of Security, College Counsel, Provost and Director of Human Resources). If you report an act of alleged sexual misconduct to a designated official of the college and there is evidence that a felony has occurred, local police may be notified. This does not mean charges will be automatically filed or that a complainant must speak with the police, but the college is legally required to notify law enforcement authorities in some situations. Coe College also must statistically report the occurrence on campus of major violent crimes, including certain sex offenses, in an annual report of campus crime statistics. This statistical report does not include personally identifiable information.
Will I have to confront the respondent?
Yes, if you file a formal complaint and choose to proceed with the grievance procedure. Sexual misconduct is a serious offense and the accused has the right to confront the complainant. The college does provide options for allowing confrontation without direct contact, including closed-circuit testimony, using a room divider, or using separate rooms.
Do I have to name the respondent?
Yes, if you want to proceed with the formal grievance procedure against the alleged perpetrator. No, if you choose to respond informally and do not file a formal complaint, but your incident of sexual misconduct will be reported for federal statistical purposes. Your personal information will be kept strictly confidential.
What do I do if I am accused of sexual misconduct?
DO NOT contact the complainant. The Title IX Coordinator or Dean of Students designee can explain the college’s procedures for dealing with sexual misconduct reports.
What do I do about preserving evidence of a sexual assault?
If you believe you have been a victim of a criminal sexual assault and you want to preserve evidence of the assault, you should go to St. Luke’s Hospital Emergency Room (1026 A Ave NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 –across the street from Greene and Hickok Hall), before washing yourself or your clothing.
The Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE Nurse -a specially trained nurse) at St. Luke’s Hospital is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call the Emergency Room at (319) 369-7105 if you first want to speak to the nurse and ER will refer you. Evidence can still be collected if you have bathed since the incident. A medical professional may be able to collect physical evidence of a sexual assault within 72 hours of the assault. In addition, Mercy Hospital in Cedar Rapids and the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics in Iowa City both have SANE nurses.
A victim advocate can also accompany you to the hospital and Coe Security can provide transportation to the hospital. Victim advocates are available in Cedar Rapids through the Riverview Center Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-888-557-0310 (24- hour crisis line), and the Rape Victim Advocacy Program (RVAP) in Iowa City at 1-800-284-7821.
Some hospitals may notify the local police when a sexual assault victim seeks emergency room services, but you are not obligated to talk to the police or to prosecute. The exam will help to keep that option open for you, should you decide later to exercise it. The hospital staff will collect evidence, check for injuries and address the possibility of exposure to sexually transmitted infections. If you have changed clothing since the assault, bring the clothing you had on at the time of the assault with you to the hospital in a clean, sanitary container such as a clean paper grocery bag or wrapped in a clean sheet (plastic containers do not breathe and may render evidence useless). If you have not changed clothes, bring a change of clothes with you to the hospital, if possible, as they will likely keep the clothes you are wearing as evidence. You can take a support person or advisor with you to the hospital and they can accompany you through the exam if you want. Do not disturb the crime scene—leave all sheets, towels, etc. that may contain evidence for the police to collect.
Will either party’s prior use of drugs and/or alcohol be a factor when reporting sexual misconduct?
Not unless there is a compelling reason to believe prior use or abuse is relevant to the current report.
Student Training and Engagement
All students new to Coe College are required to complete Sexual Violence Prevention and Alcohol/Other Drugs education courses online. Follow these easy steps to complete your required Coe College new student training:
- Using your web browser, visit: https://coestudents-ia.safecolleges.com/
Enter your Username: {email}
You must complete the training requirements between August 1 - October 2 and must earn at least an 80% on each course. You will be prompted to retake the survey until you achieve a passing score. Once you complete and pass the courses, your completion will be automatically communicated.
If you have any questions regarding the program requirements, please contact opendleton@coe.edu or 319-399-8843. If you have technical difficulties with the course, please contact Scenario Learning by utilizing the HELP button in the program.
Throughout the year, the Title IX Team will host prevention and awareness programs and events.
Title IX Team Training
Members of the Title IX Team receive training on their roles. Coe College Title IX is a Community Partner of Institutional Compliance Solutions (ICS) and utilizes online training sessions through ICS Title IX University. Training materials for the Title IX Team are included below.
All members of the Title IX Team review Title IX 101: https://icslawyer.com/posting-for-review-higher-ed-title-ix-101/
In addition, all members of the Title IX Team receive training specific to their specific roles. These role-specific training sessions include:
- Title IX Coordinator: https://icslawyer.com/posting-for-review-higher-ed-title-ix-coordinator/
- 2021 Coordinator Refresher and Update Course: https://icslawyer.com/posting for review-higher-ed-2021-coordinator-refresher/
- Title IX Investigator Level 1: https://icslawyer.com/posting-for-review-higher-ed-title-ix-investigator-level-1/
- 2021 Investigator Refresher and Update Course: https://icslawyer.com/posting-for-review-higher-ed-2021-investigator-refresher/
- Title IX Decision-Maker Level 1: https://icslawyer.com/posting-for-review-higher-ed-title-ix-decision-maker-level-1/
- 2021 Decision-Maker Refresher and Update Course: https://icslawyer.com/posting-for-review-higher-ed-2021-decision-maker-refresher/
- Title IX Decision-Maker Appeals: https://icslawyer.com/posting-for-review-higher-ed-title-ix-appellate-decision-maker/
- Title IX Advisor: https://icslawyer.com/posting-for-review-higher-ed-title-ix-advisor/
- Title IX Informal Resolution: https://icslawyer.com/posting-for-review-higher-ed-title-ix-informal-resolution/
Additional Title IX Team Trainings
- 2022 Title IX Investigator Training
- Higher Education: Dual Certified Title IX Virtual Bootcamp
- Title IX Investigator Training
For more information about Title IX at Coe College, please contact titleix@coe.edu.