Professor writing on a glass wall

Student Publications

Writing Student Publications

  • Coe Review - A literary journal of experimental fiction and poetry edited by members of the the college's Writing Workshops and published by the Student Senate. Publishes two issues each year: Coe Poetry Review in fall and Coe Fiction Review in spring.
  • Colere - Colere is a journal of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction dedicated to sharing ideas on cultural issues.
  • The Pearl - Sponsored by the Rhetoric Department, The Pearl is a journal of prose, poetry and art by Coe students, published and edited annually by students of Coe College.
  • Coe Cosmos - A weekly campus newspaper that began publication in 1889; has historically assumed a major role in determining the agenda of issues addressed by the College.
  • Fantisticoe - An online magazine featuring fantasy stories by Coe students.
  • Coetry Quarto - A broadsheet of poetry across the curriculum, written by Coe students.  Coetry is sponsored by Alpha Nu, the college's literary society.
  • Babel - Babel is a bilingual journal of poetry written in languages taught at Coe, and illustrated with photography from study-abroad experiences in countries where those languages are spoken. It is published triennially.