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Course Requirements

Four-Year Plan

The Asian studies program is designed to acquaint students with the great cultures of Asia, primarily those of China, India and Japan. The major is interdisciplinary and requires that the students take courses in the areas of art history, history, literature, and religion, and suggests that they also take courses in economics, music, and political science.

The following represents one of many paths students can take to complete a major in Asian Studies. Note that students typically take four courses per semester for a total of eight each year. Check the Coe catalog to review all of your options.

First Year

  • ACS-186 Modern South Asia
  • REL-036 Eastern Religions

Second Year

  • HIS-217 The American War in Vietnam
  • ASC-176 China and Japan

Third Year

  • HIS-246 History of Modern China

Fourth Year

  • Coe’s Asia Term (full semester)