
Meet the Faculty

Marty St. Clair

Marty St. Clair

Professor of Chemistry

B.S., Butler University
Ph.D., California Institute of Technology

Email: mstclair@coe.edu

Professor St. Clair (professor, analytical and inorganic) grew up on a farm in Indiana and received his undergraduate degree in chemistry and environmental studies in 1983. He completed his graduate work in organometallic chemistry at the California Institute of Technology in 1989, and received a Dreyfus Fellowship to teach and do research at Occidental College in Los Angeles during the 1989-90 academic year. Marty directed the Environmental Engineering Laboratory in the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Iowa prior to joining the Coe faculty in 1993. His interests include water chemistry and electrochemistry. He has been the principal investigator on five NSF grants for instrumentation (and co-PI on two more) since he has been at Coe, as well as receiving research support from the American Chemical Society's Petroleum Research Fund (ACS-PRF), the Iowa Academy of Science, the Dreyfus Foundation, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, the City of Cedar Rapids, and the Environmental Protection Agency.


David Hayes

David T. Hayes 

Vice President for Advancement
Professor of Stead Department of Business Administration and Economics

B.A., Coe College 
J.D., The University of Iowa College of Law 
LL.M., The University of Iowa College of Law

Email: dhayes@coe.edu

Professor Hayes' academic service to the college includes teaching courses in law, with a particular emphasis in the regulation of business and issues related to sustainability. He frequently offered courses at the Wilderness Field Station located outside of Ely, Minnesota. A two-time recipient of the Charles J. Lynch Outstanding Teacher Award, Hayes previously directed Coe's Pre-Law and Environmental Studies programs, and until his move to administration, held the Pochobradsky endowed chair. He currently heads the advancement functions of the college, having primary responsibility for fostering connections with external stakeholders, including alumni and donor relations.

Rick Eichhorn

Richard Eichhorn 

Professor of Business Administration and Economics 

B.S.B.A., University of Tulsa 
Ph.D., Colorado State University 

Email: eichhorn@coe.edu 

Professor Eichhorn focuses on macroeconomics, teaching theoretical as well as applied courses in general macroeconomics, economic growth and quantitative methods. Rick is especially active in supervising undergraduate economic research and often brings students to national conferences to present their research. Rick's own research has been published in Applied Economics and the Journal of Macroeconomics.

Paula Sanchini

Paula Sanchini

Henry and Margaret Haegg Professor of Biology, Chair
Environmental Science Administrative Coordinator

B.A., Hartwick College
Ph.D., University of Colorado, Boulder

Email: psanchini@coe.edu
Phone: 319.399.8596

Specializes in landscape ecology, environmental science and applications of GIS/GPS.

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John Lemos

McCabe Professor of Philosophy

B.A., University of the South
Ph.D., Duke University

Email: jlemos@coe.edu
Phone: 319.399.8861

John Lemos teaches courses in logic, moral philosophy, ancient Greek philosophy, early modern philosophy (Descartes to Kant), and contemporary analytic philosophy. His research interests lie in three main fields of inquiry: philosophy of biology, especially the philosophical implications of evolution; neo-Aristotelian ethics; and the metaphysics of freedom and responsibility. He has published articles in a variety of journals, such as Philosophy of the Social Sciences, The Southern Journal of Philosophy, Metaphilosophy, and Philosophia. His book Commonsense Darwinism was published in 2008 by the Open Court Press.