Pre-Actuarial Science

Why Pre-Actuarial Science at Coe College?

Coe's mission is to provide the background needed to enter the actuarial field, which requires a broad knowledge of finance, law, mathematics, management and statistics.

The course of study for pre-actuarial science normally includes an emphasis on mathematics and economics. Coe provides excellent preparation for you to take the first two examinations in a series of six prior to graduation. If you complete and pass the first two exams, Coe will pay for them. You also will be encouraged to intern in the actuarial field during your time at Coe.

Practical experience

Students at Coe often participate in one-on-one research projects under the direct supervision of faculty members. This relationship enables faculty to facilitate internships and other practical experiences to help students learn more about the professional specialties in which they are interested.


Students enhance their classroom experience through leadership positions in campus organizations such as Business Club, Math Club, Greek Life and Student Senate.


Unique to Coe's pre-actuarial science program is the fact that Cedar Rapids is Aegon/Transamerica's world hub for actuaries. They have more actuaries in their Cedar Rapids location than anywhere else in the world. Opportunities for job shadows, internships and career placement are plentiful.

Recommended Courses

General Courses

Note: These classes give you the foundation to take the first exam

  • Calculus 1
Calculus 2
Calculus 3
Probability & Statistics 1

VEE Classes (Validation by Educational Experience)

Note: VEE classes should be taken while in college, otherwise they will need to be taken once you start working

  • Economics

  • ECO 205: Principles of Macroeconomics

  • ECO 215: Principles of Microeconomics

  • Corporate Finance

  • BUS 350: Principles of Finance

  • BUS 495: Investment Analysis

  • Mathematical Statistics
STA 325: Probability & Statistics II

Exam Prep Courses (optional but strongly encouraged and are taken for credit at Coe)

Note: Students who wish to prepare for additional exams can do so through independent study

  • Topics class prepares you for Exam 1 (Exam P)
  • Topics class prepares you for Exam 2 (Exam FM)