Free tutoring is available for all Coe students.
Getting a Tutor
Tutoring is available to Coe students at no charge, and you can request a tutor for any class or for general study skills (Executive Function Coaching).
Make an appointment to meet with a tutor in the Peer-to-Peer Learning Space, Main Level, Stewart Memorial Library.
How do I know I need a tutor?
If you reach out for help sooner, there's a better chance that tutoring will actually make a difference in your learning and performance. Tutoring can be a great academic support for you if you regularly attend class and:
- You're struggling to keep up with the professor's pace.
- You feel confused when you review your notes after class.
- You constantly find yourself stuck on assignments.
- The class is making you feel anxious or frustrated.
- You keep procrastinating when it comes to preparing for class.
Just remember, tutoring isn't a replacement for attending class consistently.
Becoming a Tutor
Tutors are needed for all subjects, particularly in math, science and business courses. Earn money while sharing your knowledge and honing your interpersonal skills. Being a paid tutor is not a work-study position.
Tutors must have successfully completed the tutored course, received faculty approval, and participated in tutor orientation. Tutors have control over their schedules, and appointments may be scheduled during the day, in the evenings and on weekends.
Apply through Handshake!