English as a Second Language (ESL)
Why English as a Second Language at Coe?
English language programs are everywhere, so why should you come to Coe?
Most ESL programs are offered in large universities where ESL students may feel separated from campus and community. Coe is a small, liberal arts college that emphasizes the importance of campus involvement and community connection. If you are interested in improving your English language skills in a program that reaches beyond the classroom and in a campus and community that welcomes ESL students, Coe is the right choice for you.
Here are the highlights:
- Study 18 hours per week in our Intensive English Language program (IELP) that focuses on preparing students to be successful in the American academic classroom and connecting students to the campus and community.
- Enroll in courses in reading, writing, and discussion; structure and oral presentation; speaking; listening; pronunciation; and culture.
- Practice your language skills in small classes of six to twelve students.
- Receive personal attention from your ESL advisor who is available to discuss your academic goals as well as support you in your transition to the U.S. and Coe.
- Work with Writing Center and Speaking Center consultants to improve your language skills with a Coe student.
- Schedule a class visit to experience a undergraduate course.
- Join the Conversation Partner program and get to know a Coe student.
- Join Friends of International Students–Cedar Rapids (FIS–CR) and get to know a local family.
- Join International Club (I-Club) and make American and international friends who are interested in fostering global friendships.