Business professor talking with students in class


Why Pre-Engineering at Coe College?

Coe College maintains strong and active programs in the sciences within the context of a small, private, residential, liberal arts college. Our professors are recognized not only for their dedication to teaching, but also for their outstanding, nationally-recognized research with our undergraduates. At Coe, in our newly renovated science building, you may participate in exciting applications of scientific knowledge and gain a thorough preparation for future engineering work while retaining a broader disciplinary perspective. While here, you will also get thorough training in writing, social studies, humanities, and the arts. This kind of education will enable you to take on future global challenges in any shape they may come.

One traditional pre-engineering route could involve studying at Coe for three years and then transferring to a larger university for two years. At the end of this path, you will have two baccalaureate degrees (one from Coe, one from the larger university), and you will be well prepared to become a licensed professional engineer (after further exams).

Or, rather than pursuing a traditional engineering degree, many of our students receive four-year bachelor’s degrees with majors in physics, chemistry, math and/or computer science. By maintaining high grades and pursuing the amazing research opportunities at Coe, our students are commonly offered teaching and research fellowships at major universities, where they can study for a Masters or Ph.D. degree in any Engineering field. And for the great majority of our graduates who go through the program, there is absolutely no cost after Coe---they actually received salaried positions at their new institutions. In the recent past, students have received full fellowships for advanced study in engineering, at schools like Yale, Georgia Tech, NC State, Minnesota, UT Austin, Iowa State, University of Iowa, and UC Davis.

A lot of the hard work will fall on your shoulders. You will have to maintain good grades. You will have to work hard when afforded the unique opportunities Coe offers. And you will have a few all-nighters. But at the end of your time here, you will be better prepared. Smarter. Confident with yourself and with equipment. Able to think and convey your thoughts on many topics, even outside science. You will be ready for the next step, and for the doors that graduate degrees open.

Anthony DeCeanne

Anthony DeCeanne ’18 was awarded a prestigious R.J. McElroy Trust Fellowships for graduate study. The physics major and math minor is pursuing a doctorate in materials science and engineering at Penn State University.

At Coe, DeCeanne was a student-athlete, student senator, peer tutor and member of the physics and math clubs. He was highly involved in student ambassadors, serving as president for three terms, and he conducted summer research that led to an internship at Corning Inc.