Sample Four-Year Plan — Data Science
First Year
- DS 100 Introduction to Data Science
- CS 125 Introduction to Programming
- STA-100/110 Statistical Foundations/Inferential Statistics
Second Year
- DS 230 Data-Centric Programming
- DS 260 Data Analysis and Visualization
- Disciplinary Cognates - 200-level courses in another discipline. e.g:
- ANT 215 Ethnographic Methods
- ECO 247 Health Economics
- POL 245 Political Parties and Elections
- SCJ 201 Law Enforcement and Corrections
- DS 494 Internship in Data Science
Third Year
- DS 315 Machine Learning
- ECO 375 Econometrics
- DS 375 Database Systems and Data Management
Fourth Year
- DS 415 Deep Learning
- MTH 455 Mathematical Modeling