Media Technologies
The Media Technologies Department, located in the lower level of Stewart Memorial Library, serves the various multimedia needs of the Coe College Community.
In addition to the services it provides, the Media Technologies Department houses a collection of over 10,000 DVDs and VHS available for checkout. The department also has equipment, such as digital camcorders, available for checkout for class-related purposes.
Search Media Technologies Catalog
Available for in-library use:
- Viewing Stations: Three stations equipped with TV and DVD/VCR players are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Headphones are available for checkout for use within the library as well.
Available for check out:
- Digital Camcorders / Tripods: Provided on a first-come, first-served basis and cannot be reserved. The loan period for a camera is 3 days, with limited renewal. Cameras can only be checked out between the hours of 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM, Monday - Friday.
- Audio Recorders: Provided on a first-come, first-served basis and cannot be reserved. The loan period is 3 days, with limited renewal. Audio recorders can only be checked out between the hours of 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM, Monday - Friday.
Course Reserves
Media placed on 2 Hour Reserve have a loan period of two hours and are not available for circulation outside the library. Students must view reserve media in the Media Technologies department at one of the three viewing stations in the department.
Loan Periods
Reserve Items:
- Two Hour Reserve - Items placed on reserve by instructors may only be viewed in the Media Technologies Department - they are checked out but may not leave the library. They are housed behind the Media Technologies desk and an employee must retrieve the title for you. Titles that are checked out less than two hours before closing must still be returned that same day; students are not allowed to take them home overnight.
- One Day Loan - Items placed on reserve by instructors that may be checked out for 24 hours. These are also stored behind the Media Technologies desk and an employee must retrieve the title for you.
Our collection consists of over 10,000 DVDs and VHS tapes and is organized according to Library of Congress numbers. The loan period is seven days for all titles, including new titles. Titles may be renewed by phone or in person.
Replacement Policies
- Replacement costs and processing fees will be charged for lost items.
- Patrons may not purchase a replacement for an item that has been "lost." The replacement cost will be charged to their account at the business office.
The Media Technologies Department houses over 10,000 DVDs, VHS, and LPs available for checkout. The titles range from blockbuster "feature" films to documentaries to everything in between.
Virtual Reality
Located within the Media Technologies Department in the lower level of the library, the Virtual Reality Studio is open during the department's regular hours. If students and faculty need assistance contact Laura Riskedahl (x8024) ( to set up an appointment.
Currently, only programs that we have downloaded are available. Programs include various design programs, art & music creative software, medical & science programs, as well as some historical games. Please contact the department for further information on what is available.
Audiovisual Theater
- Located in the lower level of the library, southeast end
- 48 stationary stadium seats
- Universal touch-button control panel
- PC, laptop hookup, and VCR/DVD player
- Data projector and lowerable screen
Audiovisual Preview Room
- Located in the Media Technologies Department, lower level of the library, south end
- 12 moveable chairs
- 42" Plasma television screen
- VCR/DVD player, VGA connection for laptop hookup, cablevision access
NOTE: Faculty and staff should schedule facilities at least one week prior to the scheduled date. Contact Sandy Blachard (x8595 or to schedule these rooms.