Stewart Memorial Library

Citation Management

There are a variety of citation management tools available, some freely available, and others available only to subscribers. The Stewart Memorial Library provides access to RefWorks for all students, faculty, and staff.  

What is RefWorks?

RefWorks is a reference management tool which can help you keep track of citations for your research projects.  You can export citation information from library databases directly into RefWorks, organize the citations into folders, and create your bibliography or reference list in APA, MLA, Chicago, or many other styles.

How can I get a RefWorks account?

To get a RefWorks account, choose the new or legacy platform below.  Once on the sign-on page, find and click the link to create a new account.  You'll want to use your Coe email address as your username.  If you need help, please contact Laura Riskedahl in the library.

Which version of RefWorks should I use?

Stewart Memorial Library recently upgraded our subscription to make the latest version of RefWorks available to you. If you already have a RefWorks account and you want to upgrade, see the information below to transfer your saved references. You are welcome to create and maintain accounts in both versions of RefWorks so that you can compare them yourself. Here are some details about each:

  • Legacy RefWorks: the legacy RefWorks allows you to import references from library databases, place them into folders, and create a bibliography or reference list in various styles.
  • New RefWorks: in addition to the tools available in the legacy version of RefWorks, the new version of RefWorks provides some additional features, including:
    • create shared folders to collaborate with your classmates for group assignments
    • "Save to RefWorks" button you can add to your browser toolbar to create citations from web resources
    • an add-in for Google Docs/Word/Pages which will allow you to easily add your in-text citations as you type. Since it is newly released software there are some features which are still under development.

How can I transfer my saved references from the legacy to the new version of RefWorks?

Once you have created your account on the new RefWorks platform, click the "+"/"add a reference" icon in the upper left corner of the menu, and then select "import references" in the drop-down menu. Then click the "RefWorks" button and sign-in to your legacy RefWorks account. The import should occur automatically.

RefWorks - how to transfer references