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International Economics

Why International Economics at Coe College?

The major in international economics is a model-based (theory and empirical) study of the macro- and microeconomic causes and consequences of the movement of goods, services, factor inputs and assets across national borders. This major will prepare you for graduate school in international policy, international development and other policy-oriented programs. The major also provides a strong foundation for careers with an international focus.

You will be able to concentrate your studies on courses that include theories, concepts and models helpful in understanding the complex international environment. In addition to courses in business and/or economics, you will be required to study a foreign language and complete either a study-abroad experience or significant project focused on an international topic.

This major is a great option of you plan to study business and/or economics and plan to study abroad for a full term or May Term. Meet with a faculty member in the Stead Department of Business Administration & Economics to learn more.

Hayley Walton“I know my professors on a personal basis. This not only makes learning inside the classroom easier, it also provides students like myself with people to go to for letters of recommendation, research opportunities and more.” 
Hayley Walton ’19, International Economics and Psychology

leah shaffer

Personalized Education

Leah Shaffer ’19

“I love the professors. Each one takes time with every student to learn about what they're most interested in and what their strengths are.”

An international economics major and mathematics minor, Leah says faculty in the Stead Department of Business Administration & Economics are showing her all the different things she could do with her degree and how to seize the opportunities.