Interdisciplinary Studies

Why Interdisciplinary Studies at Coe College?

Each year, some of our strongest students create majors that more appropriately address their academic interests and future plans than existing majors. By combining courses from existing departments, you have the opportunity to construct an interdisciplinary major that has internal topical coherence.

If you’re interested in designing your own major, you will need to identify a supervising faculty member who will guide you through the required processes. You also will receive guidance from your academic advisor, faculty from the departments in which you wish to take courses and the Academic Policies Committee.

Jaimee RindyFollow Your Passion

“The communication major was scratching the surface, introducing me to the possibility of a further study, but I really wanted even more. The wonderful thing about media studies is that there is no limit to what can be done so long as new things are being produced. I think there's an up-and-coming market in creating multimedia platform content, and I would love to be part of a team behind something like that.” 
Jaimee Rindy ’19, Coe’s first media studies major

Three days after graduation, Jaimee was hired at CNN as a creative marketing production intern based out of Atlanta, Georgia.

angela meisterling

Passion & Determination

Angela Meisterling Billman ’08

“Looking back on my experience at Coe, the ability to create an interdisciplinary major was indicative of my entire experience. The professors and staff at Coe are eager and excited to help students make their education whatever they want it to be, whether that falls within the confines of a traditional major or not. I feel extremely fortunate to have lived and learned in such a supportive environment where opportunity in education comes first.”

Angela was a math major when she attended a six-week summer program in biostatistics. She became excited by the possibilities and met with her advisor her junior year — together they planned a second major in biostatistics. Angela says creating her own interdisciplinary major proved her determination and passion to graduate schools, gaining her entrance to the University of Iowa where she completed a master’s degree.