Coe Science Student

Course Requirements

A typical four-year plan for a student majoring in chemistry looks something like this. 

There is considerable flexibility, which allows for additional majors and minors. For more details, refer to the college catalog.

First Year

  • CHM 121/121L General Chemistry 1 and CHM 122/122L General Chemistry 2
  • MTH 145 Calculus 2

Second Year

  • CHM 211/211L Analytical Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
  • CHM 221 Organic Chemistry 1, CHM 321 Organic Chemistry 2 and CHM 322 Organic Laboratory

Third Year

  • PHY 215/210 General Physics 1 and PHY 225/220 General Physics 2
  • Chemistry Electives (Advanced Analytical, Inorganic, Biochemistry, Advanced Organic, Protein Biochemistry, Materials Physics and Chemistry)
  • CHM 464 Seminar in Chemistry 1

Fourth Year

  • CHM 341/341L Physical Chemistry 1
  • Chemistry Electives (Advanced Analytical, Inorganic, Biochemistry, Advanced Organic, Protein Biochemistry, Materials Physics and Chemistry)
  • CHM 474 Seminar in Chemistry 2

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Student and faculty member working with scientific instruments

Professor and student working together