Physics Trips
Coe Physics faculty and students travel to different locations all over the globe every year.
Doc Feller's Sabbatical (Spring 2016)
This semester Doc Feller has gone on sabbatical to visit Florida, England, Austria and Greece. Click the links below to read Dr. Feller's reports of his travels.
Doc Feller and his wife visited a beach on Singer Island.
Doc Feller's visit to ISIS, a neutron scattering lab.
Photographs from a WWII numismatic research story in the U.K. and Diamond, a synchrotron facility that produces strong x-rays by accelerating electrons around a circle.
Kirkwood Wind Energy Lab
Some Coe students took a trip to the Kirkwood Wind Energy Lab at Kirkwood Community College to learn about Renewable Energy.
Doc Feller's trip to Silicon Valley, California
On the Trip to Silicon Valley for Planning the SPS Quadrennial Congress
- November 2015, Steve Feller
Brittney Hauke, a current physics student at Coe, and I travelled to Silicon Valley in California to view the sites associated with the 2016 SPS congress. I went a few days earlier than Brittney to meet up with Sandeep Giri, '04 now a senior engineer at Google. He showed me some great sites in the area as well as giving me a detailed tour of the Google campus. I ate in the famous cafeterias, rode a Google bike, shopped at the campus store, and saw secretive Google X, where 200 at the congress will tour next year.
Along the way I visited Standford University (beautiful campus) and saw the Nuclear Magnetic Field lab of Prof. Jonathon Stebbins, along time colleague who studies borate glasses, and met our former student Saurav Bista '10 who now is a graduate student in that lab. The next day I organized a dinner for five graduates, Brittney, David Hayes (VP for Development at Coe) and me at a delightful Burmese restaurant in Palo Alto. The next day Sandeep treated me to a walk across part of the Golden Gate Bridge, a walk in the Palace of Fine Arts, and an hour long boat ride in San Francisco harbor that started in Fisherman's Wharf. We also went to a Pacific Ocean beach.
Brittney and I toured Google X, NASA Ames, and SLAC in anticipation of 1200 people doing these tours as part of our congress next year. We also spent a day planning the conference. Then the SPS treated us to a fine Italian meal and invited Sandeep as a guest.