Students in lab coats doing scientific research


Why Pre-Pharmacy at Coe College? 

The areas of study available at Coe provide excellent preparation for students seeking to enter a professional school or graduate program. As early as possible in their undergraduate years, students should coordinate a four-year academic program with the entrance requirements of the graduate institutions in which they are interested.
The course of study for Coe Pre-Pharmacy normally includes an emphasis on biology and chemistry, with additional related study possible in physics and mathematics. Coe's biology, chemistry and pre-med clubs can help you meet and interact with students who share your interests. 
Because some students at Coe College are interested in careers in Pharmaceutical Medicine, special faculty advisors are available to confer with those who want to fulfill the requirements for entrance into postgraduate training for this area. Your Coe advisor can facilitate internships and other practical experiences to help you learn more about the professional specialties in which you are interested.
Coe graduates have an excellent record of admission to leading graduate and professional schools. When preparing yourself in college:

  • Follow the pre-health course of study. This will include science requirements - usually biology, chemistry and physics courses.
  • Contact a Biology faculty member or one of the pre-health advisors (Dr. Paul Storer or Chad Libby). They will help you to plan out your schedule of classes. You will also have the opportunity to set up an internship, get experience, and keep your application process on schedule.
  • Check with the pharmacy schools where you want to apply for specific courses they will require for admission. You may need to add some courses to meet a school's special requirements, and these courses can be taken through general education requirements.
  • Visit your own family pharmacist and ask him or her questions about a career in pharmaceutical medicine.
  • Join the Pre-med Club, Biology, or Chemistry Clubs and enjoy the company of students with similar interests.
Logan Murray

Logan Murry ’13 majored in biology and chemistry and was a member of the football team at Coe.

He is currently pursuing a professional doctorate degree in pharmacy at the University of Iowa while working as a pharmacy intern at Mercy Hospital and researching drug assay development at the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy