hero theatre charlie brown


Play the leading role in Coe College theatre.

Coe students in a production

Your annual COE*STARS gift makes you part of a special group of dedicated arts enthusiasts whose support is central to the Theatre Arts programs and activities at Coe College.

Your annual tax-deductible gift provides vital support for performances, special workshops by guest artists, and other initiatives that make theatre so uniquely significant to our lives.

We invite you to join in this exciting venture by becoming a member of COE*STARS today!

COE*STARS contributions are used to underwrite production and program-related costs, and to sponsor guest artists.

Your Contribution

COE*STARS welcomes contributions of all kinds, whether monetary of the giving of time and talents. Financial donations are encouraged at the following levels:

Gift Level Gift Amount
Producer $1,000 and above
Director $500-$999
Designer $100-$499
Actor $25-$99
Understudy Under $25

Click here to give to COE*STARS

Be sure to select the designation for "Coe Stars" when making your donation.