Coe Publications
Coe College's Yearbook, published from 1903 to 2007 was also called The Rabbit, The Goat, and Ziz! Boom! Gee!
- Archived issues, 1903-2007 can be browsed online
- Print issues, 1903-2007 are available in print in the archives
The Bibliophile, published twice each year starting in 1989, keeps people who love Coe and love books informed about significant events and acquisitions at Stewart Memorial Library, the intellectual heart of the college community.
- Online issues, all issues, from 1989-present can be browsed online
- Print issues, all issues, from 1989-present are available in print in the archives
Coe Cosmos
A weekly campus newspaper that began publication in 1890; has historically assumed a major role in determining the agenda of issues addressed by the College.
- Current issues, 2016-present can be browsed online
- Archived issues, 1890-1978 can be searched online. Print issues from 1890-present are available in the archives.
Coe Review
A literary journal of experimental fiction and poetry edited by members of the the college's Writing Workshops and published by the Student Senate. Publishes two issues each year: Coe Poetry Review in fall and Coe Fiction Review in spring.
- Archived issues, 1972-present are available in print in the archives
Colere is a journal of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction dedicated to sharing ideas on cultural issues.
- Archived issues, 2011-present are available in print in the archives
The Coe Courier is published for alumni of the college, parents of current and former students, and recent contributors to Coe's Annual Fund. The magazine is published two to three times each by Coe College,
- Current issues
- Archived issue, 1899-2017 are searchable online and are also available in print in the archives
Black literary magazine at Coe College. "The word MWENDO is Swahili in origin, meaning creativity."
- Archived issues, 1972-1996 are available in print in the archives
(note: Mwendo was not published 1989-90 and 1993-94)
The Pearl
Sponsored by the Rhetoric Department, The Pearl is a journal of prose, poetry and art by Coe students, published and edited annually by students of Coe College.
- Archived issues, 1988-Present are available in print in the archives
Coe Student Honor’s Theses
The Library retains two print copies of all Coe Student’s Honors Theses. Click here for details.