Residence Life
Coe is intentionally designed as a four-year residential college. The living experiences in the halls are integral to the educational process, and the four-year residential nature of the college promotes a tight knit community that makes our campus unique. Living on campus provides students with opportunities to live with others in a community environment, share experiences and develop personally.
New students live in one of the campus residence halls. Upper-class students may choose to live in the residence halls, the Coe College apartments or one of the college-owned houses.
The college provides an extra-long twin-size bed, desk, desk chair, closet and dresser for each student in a room. Students are encouraged to bring items to make the room more comfortable and personalized. Pillows, bedspreads, posters, wastebaskets and study lamps are also appropriate. Essential items include bed linens, towels and toiletries. Students may bring a stereo, television, microwave and a small refrigerator (up to four cubic feet). Appliances which draw strong electrical current or are fire hazards (i.e., space heaters, hot plates, halogen lamps and extension cords) are not permitted. Surge protectors are recommended.
All halls have lounges, a small kitchen, vending machines, study areas, a TV-viewing area and laundry facilities.
Residence Life Staff
Each residence hall has a student staff member or resident assistants (RAs) who live on each floor. Coe's RAs are supported by a staff of five assistant area coordinators (AACs) and three area coordinators (ACs).
AACs are upper-class students whose primary responsibility is to assist the area coordinators with the daily administration of residence halls.
ACs are professional staff members, typically with master's degrees in higher education administration, who supervise the student staff, provide personal counseling, administer residence hall policies and deal with emergency situations. Coe's dynamic and involved ACs make a point to stay in touch with students on a daily basis.
Student Conduct Information
One of the goals of the college is to help students develop a responsible and caring attitude toward themselves and others as they manage their personal lives. Coe students are held responsible for their behavior. The following policy information is included in this Parent Resource guide because these are the issues of concern most frequently mentioned by parents. All student life policies and procedures are available in the online edition of the Student Reference Book.
General College Policies and Services
A calendar of Coe events can be found on the Coe College website. Click on the “About Coe” tab and then click on "Calendar of Events" to find dates and times on various campus calendars.
Gifts, such as Coe apparel, may be ordered through The Kohawk Shop. Gift cards are available and can be recharged at any time by web or phone. Please contact the bookstore with any questions about gifts, specialty items and clothing.
Flowers may be ordered from Hy-Vee Floral (319.393.4246) or Flowerama (319.365.1810). Flowers are delivered to Gage Memorial Union information desk or the mailroom Monday through Friday (the mailroom is closed Saturday and Sunday). Students will be notified that they have a package to pick up. Please phone in your order one week ahead of the delivery date.
SAA (Student Alumni Association) prepares Final Packs for students. Parents are emailed or mailed a letter from SAA inviting them to order a Finals Pack for their student to give him or her a boost and a bit of cheer before their exams.
Several area hotels give discounts to Coe visitors. A listing of these hotels is available here. To receive the discount, you must ask for the Coe rate when you make the reservation.
Each residence hall provides washers and dryers. In Armstrong/Douglas Hall, Greene Hall and Murray Hall, the facilities are located on the bottom floor. In Voorhees Hall, they are located on various floors.
The mailroom is located on the lower level of Gage Memorial Union. All new students are assigned mailboxes at the beginning of the academic year, and they keep these boxes throughout their Coe careers. First-class mail is forwarded to each student’s home address during the summer, unless other arrangements are made. Special delivery and registered mail are delivered to the mailroom which, in turn, notifies the student of such mail. The mailroom is open from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday and is closed on weekends and holidays.
Mail to a student should be addressed as follows:
Student's Name
GMU# _____
Coe College
1220 First Avenue N.E.
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402-5012
Textbooks are required for almost all classes at Coe College, and can be found at the Coe Online Bookstore. Students may have the option of purchasing used books or renting textbooks. Textbooks may also be sold back to the bookstore year-round, although the best buyback value is generally at the end of each semester during finals week.
Family members are always welcome to visit Coe. Families are encouraged to attend concerts, plays, lectures and athletic events whenever possible. Clark Alumni House guest rooms may be reserved, as availability permits, by contacting the Alumni House director at 319.399.8616.
If you have any college-related questions, the college switchboard (319.399.8000) operates Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Sunday, noon to 10 p.m., during the academic school year. When the switchboard is closed, emergency calls can be handled by the Security Office, 319.399.8888.