Work Study
Work-Study - Student Accounts Policies
While work-study may have been listed on your financial aid offer, it does not automatically appear as a credit on your student billing statement. You must complete several steps before you are paid for work-study.
First, apply for a work-study job through Handshake, available at coe.joinhandshake.com and wait to be hired.
Second, you must complete payroll paperwork (I-9 and W4 Forms) in the Coe Human Resources office before you will be allowed to work.
Finally, as directed by your work study supervisor, keep track of your hours worked and turn in a signed timesheet at the end of each month. October 10 is the date of the first work study payroll. Your earnings will be applied to your student account (or deposited into your personal bank account) depending on which option you indicate on the Student Payroll Form.