Three female students talking

Healthy Hometown

Healthy Hometown supports the Healthiest State Initiative to promote health and well-being by contributing to programs that make it easier for Iowans (and Kohawks!) to live healthier. This community well-being improvement is designed to make healthy choices easier through permanent changes to environment, policy and social networks. By helping people live longer and better through behavior change, communities can lower health care costs, improve productivity and boost national recognition as a great place to live, work and play.

By taking an environmental approach to well-being improvement, we have an opportunity to create real change in communities. This kind of change sparks people’s deepest desires to live well while giving them the tools to do so.

It’s time to start dreaming about a well-being way of life and picture the best possible version of yourself and the community you call home. With your support, Healthy Hometown can help make this dream a reality.

Small changes to your environment over time can have a big impact on your well-being and your community’s for many years to come.

For more information on Healthy Hometown visit

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