Wellness Committee
Our vision is for Coe to be a leader in wellness.
Wellness is more than physical health; it is a positive state of mental, emotional, physical and social wellbeing. Our students, faculty and staff are more engaged, persistent and productive when they are thriving across these domains. Wellness relies not only on individual efforts but on environmental, community and organizational efforts.
The mission of the Wellness Committee is to promote a campus culture of wellbeing, encompassing the emotional, mental, physical and social health of all members of the Coe community. This is accomplished by
- Regularly evaluating wellness needs and perceptions of wellness across campus.
- Providing evidence-based programs and services for members of the campus community to improve personal wellbeing and foster healthy habits.
- Partnering with other constituencies on campus and within the community to bring greater education and awareness of wellness topics to the campus community.
- Researching and recommending policies and best practices to create a healthier working and learning environment.
- Providing resources to faculty for integrating wellness into their courses.
- Creating experiences that promote meaningful connections between students, faculty and staff.
Emily Barnard
Director of Health & Wellness, Counselor
Email: ebarnard@coe.edu
Office: Upper Gage Memorial Union
Samantha Brown
Assistant Profssor of Psychology
Email: sbrown@coe.edu
Office: Stuart Hall 119
Sarah Kress
Chair for the Education Department, Assistant Professor of Education
Email: skress@coe.edu
Office: Stuart Hall 409C
Angie Dvorak
Accounts Payable Supervisor
Email: advorak@coe.edu
Office: Lower Voorhees
Susan Noreuil
Sara Heisdorffer
Health Coordinator
Email: sheidsorffer@coe.edu
Office: Health Services, Lower Pub
Josiah Olseon '20
Student Senate Representative Email: jbolseon@coe.edu
Mike Plagge
Manager of Jenzabar Services
Email: mplagge@coe.edu
Office: Lower Voorhees 120