Coe students cheering

Resources for Clubs and Organizations

Interested in creating a new student organization on campus? Here are some resources to aid in getting started.

In order to be recognized as a student group by Coe college, you will need to have the following:

  • Five current full-time students who will be charter members of the group. They cannot be on disciplinary probation.
  • Two of the students will need to serve as president and treasurer. They cannot be on disciplinary probation. They can be two of the charter members or two other current full-time students.
  • A faculty or staff advisor who is willing to serve as an advisor. They should be interested in the activities of the organization. They need to be on campus and not retired, on sabbatical, etc.
  • A Student Organization Constitution. A prototype constitution is available here. If you would like to see examples of other student organization constitutions, please contact the student organization coordinator in the Student Life Office.
  • The president, treasurer and faculty/staff advisor as well as any other officers’ agreement that the proposed organization will follow all college policies including but not limited to the Civility Statement and the Political Activity Policy


Step 1: IDEA — A new student organization should be unique and intentional. Think about the goals of your organization and what you will bring to the Coe community. If there are other student groups that are similar and already exist at Coe, what will be different about yours? You will need a well-organized purpose statement.

Step 2: IDENTIFY STUDENTS — You are required to have five students involved to start a new organization. There are two required officer positions: president and treasurer. Decide what you would like from your officers and seek out appropriate people.

Step 3: FIND A FACULTY/STAFF ADVISOR — The faculty/staff advisor should be interested in the activities of the organization and will provide overall insight and guidance on college policies and processes. The advisor needs to be full time and on campus so they can serve as a resource for students. Ask the faculty/staff advisor if they are willing to serve in this capacity.

Step 4: WRITE A GROUP CONSTITUTION — Before you can be recognized by the college, you need to have a completed constitution. For a sample constitution, please go here.

Step 5: SUBMIT A NEW STUDENT ORGANIZATON INTEREST FORM — Once you have completed steps 1 through 4 your will need to submit the New Student Organization Interest Form.

Step 6: REVIEW BY STUDENT LIFE — To be a recognized student group your application materials will be reviewed by Student Life staff. They will contact you within two weeks with a decision on recognition.  

Step 7: RECOGNITION — Once you are a recognized student organization on campus, you get the following benefits:

Benefits to Recognition:

  • Recognition as a college organization
  • Use of the college’s name [in accordance with the Coe College guidelines, see policies section]
  • Establishment of a financial account with the Business Office
  • Ability to make reservations for events and meetings on campus
  • Eligibility to be considered for Student Senate student activity fee allocations
  • Advertise organization activities through email, postings, etc.
  • Participate in the Activity Fest in the fall
  • Ability to create/use organization email account

Once we are a recognized student organization, how do we get funding for our activities?

  • If you want to get funding from Student Activities fees for your organization to pay for events, etc., please see the Student Senate Bylaws.  


All current and active student organizations and Greek Life Chapters are required to register with the Office of Student Life every academic year. Looking to Re-Register your student organization, fraternity, or sorority chapter for the Fall 2024? An email was sent out to all student groups in August 2024 with the link to re-register by August 30th. 

Questions about re-registration? Email for more information.

Student Organization Policies

Open and Accessible

Coe policy requires all student-funded groups to assure all activities, events, elected positions and opportunities are open and accessible to all Coe students. Activities should be advertised broadly and should welcome all students, regardless of background or affiliation.  

Travel Policy

In order to manage risk and ensure safety, Coe has a travel policy for student organizations and groups traveling for Coe-related activities.

Click here to review the travel policy

Submit a travel request form

Public Viewing (Showing TV, Movies)

Even though Coe is a private, educational institution, we need to abide by copyright laws in regard to public viewings of copyrighted movies and videos. The concept of "public performance" is central to copyright and clearly defined by the law. For films, this means anytime a movie is shown outside of someone’s home, it must be properly licensed.

What is a public performance?

  • Anytime a film viewing is in a public space (a lecture hall, a residence hall lobby, a meeting room, outside on the quad are all considered public spaces, even though Coe is considered private property).
  • If a viewing is open to the public (no matter where it is held).
  • If a viewing is open to people outside of a normal circle of friends/acquaintances, no matter where it is held (this would include a student organization hosting a movie night, an RA hosting a floor event, a department hosting a movie with a Q&A).

Generally speaking, ALL showings of films, videos or TV shows to an audience need to have a public performance license. The only time public performance rights are NOT needed is when an instructor is showing a film in the classroom as part of a scheduled class, which is open only to the members of that class.

How do I get a license?

Most licenses can be purchased through a licensing company such as Swank Motion Pictures.  Visit for more information. For smaller films or educational documentaries, licensing can often be obtained directly from the producing company. Check the film's website for more information, or contact Student Life ( or Laura Riskedahl, head of audiovisual, for more information. Please let us know if you have any questions.

To request rights for a movie screening on campus please fill out the form below.

On Campus Movie Screening Request Form

Raffles & Gambling

Coe College does not purchase a gaming license. As such, any form of gambling on Coe College property or involving college functions is prohibited, including raffles. Gambling is defined as playing a game for money or property or otherwise placing a bet on an uncertain outcome. Students found responsible for participating in gambling activities are subject to disciplinary action by the college under the applicable policies.

Food Service/Catering

Events hosted at Coe College should use Sodexo catering for any food or drink needs. Information about catering can be found here.


Students are not allowed to sign contracts on behalf of Coe College. If your student organization is planning on hosting an event for which a contract is required (for renting equipment, hosting a speaker, booking a vendor, etc.) please contact Director of Campus Life, Rebekah Leathers (

To request a contract for a vendor off campus please fill out the form below.

Contract Request Form

Political Activity Policy

Coe College is dedicated to providing students with an educational environment that will foster those habits of mind and action vital to engaged citizens in a democratic society. This is the goal of a liberal education, a goal that cannot be met without maintaining free and open inquiry within our college community. As an academic community, we also seek to have our engagement in political expression be of a civil and thoughtful form. As a tax exempt entity, Coe College is prohibited by federal law from participating in or attempting to influence campaigns for any elective office or ballot proposal. The following policy attempts to balance these competing considerations of free expression, civility and federal election law while providing members of the college community, its faculty, staff and students with guidance in conforming their political activity to these considerations.

Click here to access the Political Activity Policy

Risk Management & Waivers

Student organizations and clubs that are hosting physical activities at events should be requiring all participants to sign a waiver beforehand. This also applies to clubs that are more physical in nature to begin with (example: Boxing Club, Fencing Club, etc.). 

Activity Waivers: These are used at events when the club is hosting an activity that could cause harm to an individual. Some examples would include dunk tanks, inflatables, mechanical bulls and field games. Clubs should fill out the initial waiver and have it printed on the table next to the activity. Then clubs should have all participants review the waiver and sign on this document. Once the event is completed, the waiver and all signatures must be turned in to Student Activities.

Club Waivers: These waivers are used for clubs that consistently partake in physical activity that could cause harm to an invididual. It is a requirement that all members of the club sign a Club Waiver with physical signatures. These should be scanned into digital copies to be saved for the club itself and send a copy to Student Activities.

Additional Resources

Advertising on campus

Posters — All copy services can be done through the print center, located next to the mailroom in Gage Memorial Union. Standard posters, as well as oversized copies, color copies, laminating, etc. can be done there. Student organizations with a business office account can charge to their account at the print center. Cash also is accepted.

This Week At Coe — A weekly events email is sent to all students, faculty, and staff at Coe. Student organizations that would like to have their event information shared with the Coe community should submit a form. You can also contact Student Life,

This Week At Coe Event Form

Posting Policies

Any poster, sign or informational material posted on public bulletin boards must be approved by the campus information staff for posting. Approved postings will receive a stamp. Contact information for the sponsoring organization must be listed on the posting. Individuals/groups posting materials inappropriately may receive a fine at the discretion of the Director of Campus Life.

  • Posters must be neatly made and legible. This is up to the discretion of Gage Union staff.
  • Posters, signs or informational materials may be placed in residence halls subject to residence hall staff approval. In academic buildings, posters must be posted on bulletin boards.
  • Outdated (event has passed or three weeks from posting date) or inappropriately posted materials will be removed by Campus Information staff. However, it is expected the organization that posted the material will take them down when the event is over.
  • Large posters may be displayed in the Gage Union windows, only with proper reservation through campus information staff. Reservations of Gage windows may only be made for two weeks at a time.

Make sure to check out our Event Poster Check List, to double check you have the appropriate information on your poster!

Posters for events not affiliated with Coe College may only be posted in Gage Memorial Union on designated bulletin boards labeled “Off Campus Info” and “What’s going on in the Community.” Posters for events not affiliated with the college cannot be posted in academic buildings or residence halls.

Chalking — Chalking on campus sidewalks must be pre-approved by the Director of Campus Life, except for the patio behind the PUB, which is a designated open chalking zone.

Tabling outside the "U" —  Groups can reserve a table outside of the U by submitting a table reservation with Campus Information. Groups typically use these tables to advertise events by talking to students during mealtimes. Tables must be reserved ahead of time and are sometimes limited.

Table Request