Withdrawal Process
Leaving the College:
A student who is leaving the college permanently must officially withdraw through the Dean of Student Retention’s Office.
Adjustments to charges are as follows:
- Tuition and fee refunds are issued on a percentage basis per week up to the 60% point of the semester. No refunds will be issued after the 60% point.
- Room charges will NOT be refunded after the Date of Record.
- Meal/Board charges will be refunded based on a weekly percentage up to the 60% point of the semester. No refunds will be issued after the 60% point.
A student should talk to the Office of Financial Aid about changes to their financial aid based on their withdrawal date.
Withdrawing from a Course:
Full-time tuition is charged to all students enrolled in 3 or more course units. If a student withdraws from a class and drops below 3 course units, a partial refund will be issued up until the Date of Record. No refunds will be given after the Date of Record.
Administrative Withdrawals:
A student may be administratively withdrawn from the college for a variety of reasons including but not limited to disciplinary issues or financial issues.
Taking a Leave of Absence:
A leave of absence allows a student to withdraw from Coe while showing their intent to return.
- Leaves are approved through the Dean of Students Office.
- The student retains their future class schedule as well as their room assignment.
- For financial purposes, federal regulations require that students who are on a leave of absence are treated the same as all students who withdraw from the college. To view the financial impact, please review the section above regarding “Leaving the College.”
Tuition, Fees, Room & Board Refund Schedule:
Enrollment Dropping from Full Time to Part Time:
Before Date of Record: 100%
After Date of Record: 0%
Room Changes:
Before Date of Record: 100%
After Date of Record: 0%
Upgrades: Prorated to new costs based on move date
Downgrades: No change in costs
Board Changes:
DROPPING MEAL PLAN — approved by the Dean of Students
May Term Refund Schedule:
Day 1-3: 100% Refund
After Day 3: No refund
Summer Withdrawal Refund Schedule
Full Withdrawals:
4 Week Course
- Prior to Course Starting: 100%
- Day 1-5: 75%
- Day 6-10: 25%
- After Day 10: 0%
8 Week Course
- Prior to Course Starting: 100%
- Day 1-5: 75%
- Day 6-10: 50%
- Day 11-21: 25%
- After Day 21: 0%
Prorated Weekly — Dorms
Prorated Weekly — Apartments
Students are required to have their student account balance paid in full by May 1st in order to participate in the graduation ceremony and receive their diploma.
Tuition Insurance
At Coe, we recognize there is a significant financial risk involved for families once a student starts classes. Because of these risks, we are pleased to offer full-time students and their families an insurance policy to protect them against the exposure to fees that would normally be charged. The Tuition Refund Plan (TRP) is a program designed to minimize the exposure of lost tuition, room, board and fees associated with attendance. In fact, with the TRP program, a student is assured he or she will receive an 80% refund if he/she withdraws for documented medical reasons.
For $110 per semester a student can have the security of knowing if he/she becomes seriously ill and needs to withdraw from school that their financial burden will be minimized. The following table illustrates how Coe’s refund schedule combined with the TRP will protect students and families against the loss of tuition and fees (the table represents an estimation of percentages).
The Dewar Insurance brochure is located on my.coe.edu under the Student Tab/Business Office Information. To facilitate enrollment in the program, full-time students are automatically insured and billed for the tuition coverage.
You may elect NOT to be enrolled in this insurance plan, please complete the online waiver form located on MyCoe under the Student tab/My Forms link.