Students outside on a bench talking

Current College Students Only

Current College Students Only

Make sure to look carefully at the criteria and deadline for each scholarship and, if you think you might be eligible for a scholarship click the link to be brought to their website for more information. Scholarships are listed by submission deadline.

Disclaimer: The Outside Scholarship page is provided as a service to our students and is not a comprehensive list of all outside scholarships. The Office of Financial Aid maintains the accuracy of the listed scholarship information to the best of our ability but cannot guarantee the authenticity of every scholarship or the accuracy or timeliness of information found on any of the links. A scholarship’s inclusion on our page is in no way an endorsement of the scholarship. Please use caution when applying for any outside scholarship.

* Links in crimson are scholarships received by Coe students in past years

SAA Historically Underrepresented Groups Scholarship for Archaeology

The SAA Historically Underrepresented Groups Scholarship (HUGS) helps increase the number of under-represented minorities obtaining degrees in archaeology.

Criteria: Historically underrepresented minorities in archaeology
Submission Deadline: January 31
Amount: $3000

BMI Future Jazzmaster Scholarship

A scholarship awarded to rising Jazz stars pursuing an advanced degree in Jazz or related majors, involving 3 recordings of recent performances(BMI foundation will have the rights to license winning compositions)

Criteria: Age 17-24, attending a US College Full-time
Submission Deadline: February 4
Amount: $5,000

The Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation

Potential Truman Scholars are required to submit three letters of recommendation and an Institutional Nomination form; both are easily found on their website. You must be nominated, therefore, by either a faculty member or by a Truman Nomination Committee at your college. Between 55 and 65 new Truman Scholars are chosen each year.

Criteria: Be nominated by a faculty member or Truman Nomination Committee, Have a desire to improve the way government agencies, nonprofit organizations, or educational institutions serve the public.
Submission Deadline: February 7
Amount: Unknown

ORISE - Cyber Security: Securing the Future

ORISE is hosting a research-based challenge for undergraduate students. The challenge is for students to develop a slides presentation to communicate to your peers what cybersecurity is, why it is important, and how we can continue to use it and develop it in the future.  Thorough submissions will include research on new developments in cybersecurity, as well as research on how its further development will aid us in the future.

Criteria: Undergraduate students currently enrolled at a college or university who will also be enrolled at a college or university next  year.
Submission Deadline: March 31
Amount: $5,000

The Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance Scholarship

The Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance awards one scholarship per semester to a current undergraduate or graduate student who has battled cancer personally, or who has a family member or close friend who has battled cancer. Applicants must submit a short application as well as an essay or video clip about their experiences.

Criteria: GPA of at least 3.2
Submission Deadline: March 31
Amount: $4,000

Stars Scholarship Fund

This fund has clear details about all steps in the scholarship application process, including the application period, review period, and recipient selection period. Scholarships, however, are available only to those permanently residing in 1 of 31 specified northwestern and southern Texas counties. Recipients are chosen on the basis of GPA, currently earned undergraduate credits, and financial need.

Criteria: Be from 1 of 30 Texas counties listed on the scholarship webpage, Be of sophomore-year standing or above, GPA of at least 2.7
Submission Window: January 1 - March 31
Amount: Varies (student has received $1,000)

AFCEA ROTC Scholarships

A number of scholarships for distinguished ROTC members interested in STEM fields

Criteria: Minimum 3.0 GPA with requirements depending on the scholarship
Submission Deadline: May 1
Amount: $2,000 - $3,000

NURSE Corps Scholarship Program

The Health Resources and Services Administration offers this scholarship annually to students in exchange for a minimum two-year full-time service commitment (or part-time equivalent) at an eligible service health care facility with a critical shortage of nurses. A monthly stipend is also awarded in addition to the scholarship award. Scholarship winners are chosen based on several selection factors including their academic performance and their response to essay questions.

Criteria: Be enrolled in a nursing degree program, be a U.S. Citizen or a national or lawful permanent resident
Submission Deadline: May 5
Amount: Varies

Scholarship America's Dream Award

“Scholarship America’s Dream Award is a renewable scholarship fund targeted toward completion. Awards are given to students who are entering their second year or higher of education beyond high school. The scholarships will grow in amount each year.” Awards are granted on the basis of community leadership, volunteerism, and overcoming adversity

Criteria: GPA of at least 3.0, Demonstrate financial aid
Submission Deadline: February 15, 2024 - March 28, 2024
Amount: $10,000

Creative Biolabs Scholarship Program

Creative Biolabs is looking to support higher education in the medical and science related fields. They offer scholarships once a semester to a student who submits an essay of at least 600 words that answers the prompt listed on their website.

Criteria: Majoring in a science related field, minimum GPA of 3.0
Scholarship Deadline: September 30
Amount: $1,000

Sport Clips Help A Hero Scholarship

The Veterans of Foreign Wars offers multiple scholarships two times every year to qualified service members and veterans. Applicants may reapply each semester regardless of previous award or denial. An online application can be found of the VFW website.

Criteria: Be retired, honorably discharged, active duty, or a member of the National Guard or Reserve, Have completed Basic Training and follow-on training, Demonstrate a need for financial assistance
Submission Window: January 1 – April 30, August 1 – November 15
Amount: Up to $5,000