Day of Giving

Day of Giving unites Kohawks around the world to create excitement, reminisce and provide support to the Annual Fund – and Coe as a whole.

Thank you for joining us on April 11, 2024, as the Coe College community celebrated a decade of generosity for its 10th annual Day of Giving!  We are so grateful for the outpouring of support from our Coe family and friends.  We are proud to share that with your help, we met our All In Ten challenge and secured 601 gifts while raising $471,647.70!

Mark your calendars for April 2025 for our next Day of Giving!

Coe’s Day of Giving began in 2015 with the purpose of bringing alumni, family, friends, students, faculty and staff members together, and it has grown each year over the past nine years. This day of celebration and support provides an avenue to further close the gap between what tuition covers and what it costs to operate the college. It allows us to concentrate on increasing student access to the award-winning C3: Creativity, Careers, Community and providing access to mental health & wellness resources and essential academic assistance, rounding out the full student experience for current and future generations of Kohawks.

Coe has eyes on the future and how our students will continue to impact not only our local economy,
but the global landscape as well. Our campus can boast 40% first-generation students, and we are proud of our growing community of international students. In addition, 99% of our last incoming class benefited from a well-tailored financial aid and scholarship package, which investments in the Annual Fund are responsible for helping to provide.

It's not too late to make an impact

Kohawks accomplish great things, but for some, a Coe College education wouldn't be possible without your kind and selfless gift. Although our Day of Giving efforts have concluded, there is still an opportunity to support Coe's Annual Fund.

A Special Thanks

We do not take for granted that our work would not be possible without supporters like you.  A special thanks to our Challenge Leaders whose generosity makes Day of Giving challenge matches possible.

Digital Ambassadors: A Way to Lend Your Voice

Through social media, email and direct outreach, Digital Ambassadors make a difference as they raise awareness for Coe’s Day of Giving. As a Coe alum, student, student supporter, staff, faculty, friend or community member who is eager to share your association with Coe, and desire to grow its Annual Fund, you can make a powerful and immediate impact.

The digital ambassador toolkit provides sample content, graphics and other resources to help give volunteer advocates, like you, the necessary tools to share you enthusiasm for Coe. The best part? You’ll help to grow our Annual Fund and support the areas of greatest need for the college!

Download my Toolkit

Toolkit Downloadable Graphics 2024

By clicking on each image, you can access a downloadable JPG image to use on social media and in your outreach.

Facebook Graphics

Day of Giving_FB.jpg

All Ten Graphics_FB.jpg

Sweethearts Besties Graphics_FB.jpg

DOG Decade 50s and 60s.jpg

DOG Decade 90s.jpg

Early Bird Challenge_FB.jpg

Graduates of the Last Decade Graphics_FB.jpg

Decades Class Challenge Graphics_FB.jpg

DOG Decade 70s.jpg

DOG Decade 00s.jpg

Faculty & Staff Challenge_FB.jpg

Happy Hour Challenge_FB.jpg

Kohawk Student Supporter Challenge Graphics_FB.jpg

DOG Decade 80s.jpg

DOG Decade 10s and 20s.jpg

Instagram Graphics

Day of Giving_IG.jpg

All Ten Graphics_IG.jpg

Sweethearts Besties Graphics_IG.jpg

Early Bird Challenge_IG.jpg

Graduates of the Last Decade Graphics_IG.jpg

Decades Class Challenge Graphics_IG.jpg

Faculty & Staff Challenge_IG.jpg

Happy Hour Challenge_IG.jpg

Kohawk Student Supporter Challenge Graphics_IG.jpg

General Graphics

I Gave Graphic.jpg

Day of Giving Logo_Final.jpg

FY24 DOG QR Code for DOG Page - Form.png

Kohawk Backgroup Crimson.png

generosity looks good on you.png

Kohawk Backgroup Gold.png

Charlie pointing.png