Coe remains a top college in contributing to the public good

For the third year in a row, Coe College is a top 100 liberal arts college in the nation as determined by contributions to the public good. Washington Monthly compiled the list of top colleges and ranked Coe at No. 90, which is in the top 7 percent of colleges evaluated.

The list is based on three broad categories that all tie back to improving the lives of students and the world around them: social mobility, research and promoting public service. In releasing the rankings, the publication states they are based on “what [colleges] do for the country.” Coe was particularly strong in the promoting public service category, coming in at No. 54 nationally.

Coe’s placement on the list aligns with its mission to prepare students for meaningful lives and fulfilling careers. Coe is the second-highest ranking Iowa college on the list, and also was named to Washington Monthly’s “Best Bang for the Buck” list in the Midwest.

“There is a larger picture when it comes to higher education,” said Coe President David Hayes ’93. “It’s not solely about degrees and career paths, it’s about impact and positive change, and this has always been and will always be a focus at Coe.”

Coe’s efforts to provide superior student support and connections to the community have been integral to creating an atmosphere where service and contributions to the greater good are an important component of the educational experience.
At the forefront is C3: Creativity, Careers, Community, an on-campus center that connects students to community and civic engagement opportunities in addition to being a resource for career guidance and internship placement.

“Part of the growth process in college is continued development as an active and educated citizen,” said Joe Demarest, director, C3: Creativity, Careers, Community. “We want to enable our students to pursue their passions and simultaneously create positive, community-driven social change.”

Coe students volunteer or intern with organizations in Cedar Rapids and the surrounding area like Willis Dady Homeless Services, Habitat for Humanity and Eastern Iowa Arts Academy. Coe is continuing to make investments in campus infrastructure and programming that will create more expansive opportunities for students to impact the broader community and society:

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