Smiling female student (classroom)

Organizational Science

Why Organizational Science at Coe College?

The organizational science major is a collateral and interdisciplinary program of study designed to acquaint students with human behavior in organizations from both theoretical and applied perspectives.

The program aims to prepare students to carry out various human resources, organizational development, customer service and institutional research functions in a variety of organizational settings. It also prepares students for graduate study in the fields of industrial/organizational (I/O) psychology, human resources, quantitative methods, and other similar fields.

Over the years, several Coe students have earned graduate degrees in programs related to organizational science; in recent years, the number of students entering these programs has been increasing. During this same period, the number of alumni entering careers related to organizational science immediately upon graduation from Coe has been increasing as well, reflecting job growth in this career area.

Organizational science at Coe emphasizes an understanding of statistics (and regression in particular); the areas within psychology of research methodology, social psychology, and testing/measurement; and the areas within business administration of human resource management, business law, and organizational behavior. An internship or research experience is also required.

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