Bylaws Update
Coe College Board of Trustees Bylaw Proposal
Drafted November 23, 2020
Approved January 31, 2021
Article II, Section 2
Insert “a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee” in the first sentence, following “an Academic and Student Affairs Committee.”
Article IV, Section 1
Add the “Chair of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee”
Article IV
Add section 3 as follows: Section 3 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. The members of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee shall consist of the Chair of the Board, the President of the College, the Chair of the Academic and Student Affairs Committee, the Chair of the Advancement Committee, The Chair of the Trusteeship Committee, and no fewer than five (5) additional Trustees selected by the Board, following consultation with the Chair of the Board and the Chair of the Committee. The members of the administrative senior staff will serve as non-voting members of the Committee. Three students representing a diversity of backgrounds and viewpoints will be appointed by the administration in consultation with the Student Senate leadership and will serve as non-voting members. The Committee shall review the College’s programs and operations related to racial justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion on a regular, continuing basis. This may include, but will not be limited to, the College’s academic program, student life activities, alumni activities, communications, enrollment, employment practices, trustee engagement, College policies, and other areas of operation as the Committee deems necessary, for the purposes of ensuring that Coe is a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community, and that Coe’s graduates are prepared for success in a pluralistic global society.
Renumber current sections 3-11 as 4-12.