Coehort Orientation 2024
Intercultural Coehort Orientation 2024 Registration
Coehort Orientation begins the day before most first-year students move on campus, and before on-campus new student orientation activities. It is designed for students from diverse cultural backgrounds who seek to connect with other students from different cultural backgrounds and want to get a head start on meeting new friends. Participating students will be connected to other first-year students and become a "Coehort" which is then led by successful experienced student leaders. These small groups will become like a second family to you and will be an important part of your first-year experience.
Students who plan to be on campus early for any other program or athletics, should plan to talk with program administrators to see if accommodations may be made to make dual participation possible.
By signing up for this program, you are committing to arrive for move-in on Friday, August 16, 2024, participate in Coehort Orientation, and participate in various activities throughout the school year.
Registration deadline ends Thursday, August 1, 2024.
If you have any questions contact Steven Shelby (319.399.8815 or